Oops! I Did It Again

I was tempted to save this post for the 28th of July, seeing as how that was the last time I posted something on this blog—once again, forgotten amidst the variety of stresses that greeted me during the second half of last year.

But seeing as how the dust has settled somewhat, and I’ve managed to free myself from the dark depths of my mind once again, I am clear-headed enough to maybe—just maybe—work on this website again.

So, where are we now?

I have discovered the proper cocktail of meds that help me with my emotional regulation and overall functioning. Also, I have scaled down A LOT on personal projects, goals, and work, including my art directorship/mentoring at CPAG, which I’m no longer part of. I’ve also refocused on really working on my emotional, mental, and physical well-being by setting up and enforcing more boundaries, having healthier and more sustainable goals, and getting adequate rest (hello, better sleep habits!).

A couple more notable changes from last year are that I somehow found myself a new gig in writing game reviews for a local publication AND somehow ended up celebrating Mother’s Day taking in two more cats, bringing my current total count to 8 (with more on the way, it seems, as one of them is pregnant). I guess identifying as a ‘full-time cat mom’ (as mentioned in my author bio) had some unforeseen repercussions.

I have been spending most of my days looking after the cats and my human, rearranging and trying to clean up the house, and controlling my urges to pick up yet another hobby that I probably don’t have time for. Oh, and sometimes I manage to sneak in some gaming and writing and other not-so-profitable ventures. It’s quite a slow and quiet life, when I can keep my brain (and wallet) in check.

And yes, I still do art, or at least something like it—whatever creative activity I happen to fancy. These days I tend to keep most of it off socials though, and just share to friends and family. While I do have some stuff cooking up for public consumption, I’ve mostly resorted to just having fun with my art and processes, and not have anything specifically planned for sharing to TikTok/Instagram/Threads/et cetera. I’ve basically quiet-quitted social media, just using it for the bare minimum of sharing whenever I have new content, either for work or this blog/website thing.


That’s enough life updates for now. While I don’t know if I will have some sort of regular posting schedule in the future, I have figured out that it’s better to keep my planning of anything to a minimum so I have maximum flexibility with how to handle whatever the Universe decides to throw at me.

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